Text replacement not working on iPhone

For the last 2 weeks, text replacement on my iPhone has not worked.

I have have tried deleting the existing ones then re-creating them, but it still not working.

Solution 1:

The steps to fix this are the same as many data corruption issues.

  1. Back up the phone
    1. Take care to unsync any Apple Watches
    2. Take care to backup health data by choosing an encrypted backup option
    3. Verify a good backup (or two)
  2. Settings app - erase all content and settings
  3. Set up phone as new - test one substitution to ensure it's not needing a full OS restore
  4. Erase content and settings a second time, then restore from backup

Solution 2:

With the release of iOS 12, Apple appears to have placed a 128 character limit on text replacement. A simple workaround using the Google Keyboard will allow you to use your saved iOS keyboard shortcuts.

This is not ideal, but unless Apple releases an update, this is the best option. Once you install the Gboard, you should be able to use your text replacement shortcuts as before.

I wrote a post on the workaround: Link