Get distinct values of Queryset by field

I've got this model:

class Visit(models.Model):
    timestamp  = models.DateTimeField(editable=False)
    ip_address = models.IPAddressField(editable=False)

If a user visits multiple times in one day, how can I filter for unique rows based on the ip field? (I want the unique visits for today)

today =
yesterday = - datetime.timedelta(days=1)

visits = Visit.objects.filter(timestamp__range=(yesterday, today)) #.something?


I see that I can use:

Visit.objects.filter(timestamp__range=(yesterday, today)).values('ip_address')

to get a ValuesQuerySet of just the ip fields. Now my QuerySet looks like this:

[{'ip_address': u''}, {'ip_address': u''}, {'ip_address':
 u''}, {'ip_address': u''}, {'ip_address': u''}]

How do I filter this for uniqueness without evaluating the QuerySet and taking the db hit?

# Hope it's something like this...

What you want is:


What this does is get all ip_addresses and then it gets the count of primary keys (aka number of rows) for each ip address.

With Alex Answer I also have the n:1 for each item. Even with a distinct() clause.

It's weird because this is returning the good numbers of items :


But when I iterate over "Visit.objects.filter(stuff).values("ip_address").distinct()" I got much more items and some duplicates...


The filter clause was causing me troubles. I was filtering with another table field and a SQL JOIN was made that was breaking the distinct stuff. I used this hint to see the query that was really used :

print q.query

I then reverted the class on witch I was making the query and the filter to have a join that doesn't rely on any "Visit" id.

hope this helps

The question is different from what the title suggests. If you want set-like behavior from the database, you need something like this.

x = Visit.objects.all().values_list('ip_address', flat=True).distinct()

It should give you something like this for x.

[,, ...]


len(x) == len(set(x))

Returns True