What does Serializable mean?

What exactly does it mean for a class to be Serializable in Java? Or in general, for that matter...

Solution 1:

Serialization is persisting an object from memory to a sequence of bits, for instance for saving onto the disk. Deserialization is the opposite - reading data from the disk to hydrate/create an object.

In the context of your question, it is an interface that if implemented in a class, this class can automatically be serialized and deserialized by different serializers.

Solution 2:

Though most of the users have already given the answer, but I would like to add an example for those who need it in order to explain the idea:

Let's say you have a class person like the following:

public class Person implements java.io.Serializable {
    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
    public String firstName;
    public String lastName;
    public int age;
    public String address;

    public void play() {
                "If I win, send me the trophy to this address: %s", address));
    public String toString() {
        return String.format(".....Person......\nFirst Name = %s\nLast Name = %s", firstName, lastName);

and then you create an object like this:

Person william = new Person();
        william.firstName = "William";
        william.lastName = "Kinaan";
        william.age = 26;
        william.address = "Lisbon, Portugal";

You can serialise that object to many streams. I will do that to two streams:

Serialization to standard output:

public static void serializeToStandardOutput(Person person)
            throws IOException {
        OutputStream outStream = System.out;
        ObjectOutputStream stdObjectOut = new ObjectOutputStream(outStream);

Serialization to a file:

public static void serializeToFile(Person person) throws IOException {
        OutputStream outStream = new FileOutputStream("person.ser");
        ObjectOutputStream fileObjectOut = new ObjectOutputStream(outStream);


Deserialize from file:

public static void deserializeFromFile() throws IOException,
            ClassNotFoundException {
        InputStream inStream = new FileInputStream("person.ser");
        ObjectInputStream fileObjectIn = new ObjectInputStream(inStream);
        Person person = (Person) fileObjectIn.readObject();

Solution 3:

It means that instances of the class can be turned into a byte-stream (for example, to be saved to a file) and then converted back into classes again. This reloading could happen in a different instance of the program, or even on a different machine. Serialisation (in any language) involves all sorts of issues, though, especially when you've got references to other objects inside the serialisable one.