What is the difference between (NaN != NaN) and (NaN !== NaN)?

Solution 1:

First, let me point out that NaN is a very special value: By definition, it's not equal to itself. That comes from the IEEE-754 standard that JavaScript numbers draw on. The "not a number" value is never equal to itself, even when the bits are an exact match. (Which they aren't necessarily in IEEE-754, it allows for multiple different "not a number" values.) Which is why this even comes up; all other values in JavaScript are equal to themselves, NaN is just special.

...am I missing some value in JavaScript that will return true for x !== x and false for x != x?

No, you're not. The only difference between !== and != is that the latter will do type coercion if necessary to get the types of the operands to be the same. In x != x, the types of the operands are the same, and so it's exactly the same as x !== x.

This is clear from the beginning of the definition of the Abstract Equality Operation:

  1. ReturnIfAbrupt(x).
  2. ReturnIfAbrupt(y).
  3. If Type(x) is the same as Type(y), then

    Return the result of performing Strict Equality Comparison x === y.

  4. ...

The first two steps are basic plumbing. So in effect, the very first step of == is to see if the types are the same and, if so, to do === instead. != and !== are just negated versions of that.

So if Flanagan is correct that only NaN will give true for x !== x, we can be sure that it's also true that only NaN will give true for x != x.

Many JavaScript programmers default to using === and !== to avoid some pitfalls around the type coercion the loose operators do, but there's nothing to read into Flanagan's use of the strict vs. loose operator in this case.

Solution 2:

For purposes of NaN, != and !== do the same thing.

However, many programmers avoid == or != in JavaScript. For example, Douglas Crockford considers them among the "bad parts" of the JavaScript language because they behave in unexpected and confusing ways:

JavaScript has two sets of equality operators: === and !==, and their evil twins == and !=. The good ones work the way you would expect.

...My advice is to never use the evil twins. Instead, always use === and !==.

Solution 3:

Just for fun, let me show you an artificial example where x is not NaN but the operators behave differently anyway. First define:

  { get: function() { return self.y = self.y ? 0 : '0'; } }

Then we have

x != x // false


x !== x // true