RAID 0 disk failure, how to recover the RAID?

You cannot.

RAID 0 caused half of data to be on one disk and half on other. You literally have block of data interleaving one another (in order to maximize performance). I am not aware of any tool that can come even close to untangling that mess and even if there was such tool, you can hope for 64K block recovery topmost.

Best chance is either finding same electronics (and hoping that electronics is all that failed) or recovering data from backup.

This is a common issue and you have uncommonly good potential for recovery. Most modern drives have PCB locked to serial number. If you can operate either drive from the samePCB then make images of each drive using Quetek File Scavenger.

Once both images are made you should be able to mount both images and recover data using professional version. This costs money but is well worth while if needed.

I guess you understand that RAID-0 is just striping the disks, there is no redundancy.

You could try RAID Reconstructor.

It will not try to "fix" your RAID. It will merely create a copy of your RAID at another location. It will collect sector by sector from each single drive involved and write these sectors in the correct order to the designated destination. This process is also called "de-striping".

For a RAID-0 (striped) array you will need all drives.

The RAID Reconstructor will recover both, hardware and software RAIDs. It will recover from broken Windows Dynamic Disk sets.

The part in bold may be a problem for you :-(.
I don't know if your copied disk will work...

Old question, but it sounds like you can read both of the disks, just not at the same time. If this is the case, I suspect that mdadm would be happy to run your array if one or both disks were an image file instead of a hardware disk, assuming that mdadm could run the array if both disks were hardware.