Cannot create folder and file on external drive (Xfce, Thunar) after change of mount point

First of all, try to not use anymore PySDM sience this application is deprecated starting with Ubuntu 12.10 and higher. Futhermore, starting with Ubuntu 12.10, the default mount points was moved to /media/$USER and from here your problems which collide head with PySDM.

So, instead to use anymore PySDM, I suggest you to use AriOS Automount (.deb) (see here how to install a ".deb" file):

AriOS Automount is a small utility [...] and its main advantage over PySDM is that it doesn't require any kind of configuration: just install it and you're done, all your partitions (it should work with any kind of partition: EXT4/3/2, NTFS, FAT and so on) will be automatically mounted the next time you log in.

AriOS Automount works without touching /etc/fstab and it can be enabled / disabled either from the Startup Applications or via the menu, by launching "Auto-mount Settings".

Source: How To Mount Partitions Automatically On Startup In Linux ~ Ubuntu / Linux blog.

In Xfce "Auto-mount Settings" appears under Menu/System

enter image description here

And can be enabled/disabled easily

enter image description here

If I have not convinced you and you sill want to use PySDM, try to change the mount point to /media/$user/devicename (/media/cipricus/SAMSUNG, respectively /media/cipricus/3060-0887/):




Changing the ownership and permission may help you to access your drive.

These steps would help you to do so.

  • First un-mount your /dev/sdb1 drive

    sudo umount /dev/sdb1
  • And then change the ownership of /media/sdb1 to working user.

    sudo chown -R cipricus:cipricus /media/sdb1

    if cipricus is your Ubuntu user's name (if this command fails says: directory not found then ignore previous step i,e un-mounting)

  • Then change the access permission

    sudo chmod -R 774 /media/sdb1
  • And last mount the driver again.

    sudo mount -a

    if it doesn't mount then try to mount from icon from your home folder or from gparted.

Reply what happens..