Check if a number is divisible by 3

Solution 1:

The current answers all focus on decimal digits, when applying the "add all digits and see if that divides by 3". That trick actually works in hex as well; e.g. 0x12 can be divided by 3 because 0x1 + 0x2 = 0x3. And "converting" to hex is a lot easier than converting to decimal.


int reduce(int i) {
  if (i > 0x10)
    return reduce((i >> 4) + (i & 0x0F)); // Reduces 0x102 to 0x12 to 0x3.
   return i; // Done.
bool isDiv3(int i) {
  i = reduce(i);
  return i==0 || i==3 || i==6 || i==9 || i==0xC || i == 0xF;

[edit] Inspired by R, a faster version (O log log N):

int reduce(unsigned i) {
  if (i >= 6)
    return reduce((i >> 2) + (i & 0x03));
   return i; // Done.
bool isDiv3(unsigned  i) {
  // Do a few big shifts first before recursing.
  i = (i >> 16) + (i & 0xFFFF);
  i = (i >> 8) + (i & 0xFF);
  i = (i >> 4) + (i & 0xF);
  // Because of additive overflow, it's possible that i > 0x10 here. No big deal.
  i = reduce(i);
  return i==0 || i==3;

Solution 2:

Subtract 3 until you either

a) hit 0 - number was divisible by 3

b) get a number less than 0 - number wasn't divisible

-- edited version to fix noted problems

while n > 0:
    n -= 3
while n < 0:
    n += 3
return n == 0

Solution 3:

Split the number into digits. Add the digits together. Repeat until you have only one digit left. If that digit is 3, 6, or 9, the number is divisible by 3. (And don't forget to handle 0 as a special case).

Solution 4:

While the technique of converting to a string and then adding the decimal digits together is elegant, it either requires division or is inefficient in the conversion-to-a-string step. Is there a way to apply the idea directly to a binary number, without first converting to a string of decimal digits?

It turns out, there is:

Given a binary number, the sum of its odd bits minus the sum of its even bits is divisible by 3 iff the original number was divisible by 3.

As an example: take the number 3726, which is divisible by 3. In binary, this is 111010001110. So we take the odd digits, starting from the right and moving left, which are [1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1]; the sum of these is 5. The even bits are [0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1]; the sum of these is 2. 5 - 2 = 3, from which we can conclude that the original number is divisible by 3.

Solution 5:

A number divisible by 3, iirc has a characteristic that the sum of its digit is divisible by 3. For example,

12 -> 1 + 2 = 3
144 -> 1 + 4 + 4 = 9