Run custom shell scripts on key press

I have created a shell script for a custom action which is working fine. I want to run this .sh file ( on pressing Alt+F15.

I have done the following: In gconf-editor, under apps>metacity>keybinding_commands, edited command_1 with value

"/home/administrator/My Scripts/" (tried without quotes also)

under apps>metacity>global_keybindings, edited run_command_1 with value


But the script is not getting executed when pressing Alt+F15

What is that I am missing?

I have no idea if you are using the right gconf-keys, but you can configure this via gui:

If you are using Ubuntu without desktopeffects metacity is your windowmanager, then you should use System ▸ Preferences ▸ Keyboard Shortcuts to add your command and set the keybinding.

If desktopeffects are activated, you are using compiz windowmanager. Install compizconfig-settings-manager Install compizconfig-settings-manager, run it and enter your script in the Commands preferences.