How to enable Moonlight/Silverlight 5 on firefox?

Solution 1:

Using Pipelight

My answer is credits Webupd8:

You can use Pipelight to provide you with Silverlight support.

To install it:#

Make sure to close your browser first, if not you will need to run an extra command.

From the terminal:

sudo apt-add-repository ppa:ehoover/compholio
sudo apt-add-repository ppa:mqchael/pipelight
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install pipelight

From the GUI:

  • Add the repositories to your software sources:

    sudo apt-add-repository ppa:ehoover/compholio sudo apt-add-repository ppa:mqchael/pipelight

After refreshing your sources, install pipelight Install pipelight If this icon doesn't work simply search for it in the Software Center.

If you kept the browser open, run:

rm -rf ~/.wine-pipelight/

Next step, make sites that block Linux work:

Use one of these two addons (F:


Or this one (Chrome):


If you get slow playback, see:


Alternative solutions:

Using a Windows browser on top of Wine.

You can probably use Silverlight 5 on top of a Windows Browser using Wine. I have not tested this option but it is pretty reasonable and straight forward.

  • Install wine Install wine
  • Download and install your browser.
  • Download and install Silverlight for Windows as you normally would do on Windows.
  • Live long and prosper.

Using Windows in a Virtual Machine.

If you don't want to give up Linux, but can't get anything else to work, this is the best bet. You need a valid copy of Windows however as I won't give steps for pirating.

  • Install virtualbox Install virtualbox
  • VMWare Player is an option as well, as well as Qemu, etc; but I highly recommend Virtual Box.
  • Download and install the Virtual Box extensions (optional).
  • Using a valid Copy of Windows, create a new Virtual Machine in Virtual Box.
  • Install your browser of choice (if necessary) or use Internet Explorer.
  • Install Silverlight.
  • Enjoy your coffee or beverage of choice (absolutely necessary step!). Skipping this step will result in the process not being as rewarding as intended.

Solution 2:


sudo apt-add-repository ppa:pipelight/stable
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install --install-recommends pipelight-multi
sudo pipelight-plugin --update

The following commands install system wide. To install to the user only do not use sudo.

To enable silverlight system wide

sudo pipelight-plugin --enable silverlight

for the windows version of adobe flash system wide

sudo pipelight-plugin --enable flash

for widevine systemwide

sudo pipelight-plugin --enable widevine

And there's even a Unity3D plugin

sudo pipelight-plugin --enable unity3d 

This does not work for google-chrome or chromium, only firefox.
