SQL - How do I get only the numbers after the decimal?

How do I get only the numbers after the decimal?

Example: 2.938 = 938

try this:

SELECT (num % 1)

one way, works also for negative values

declare @1 decimal(4,3)
select @1 = 2.938

select PARSENAME(@1,1)

You can use FLOOR:

select x, ABS(x) - FLOOR(ABS(x))
from (
    select 2.938 as x
) a


-------- ----------
2.938    0.938

Or you can use SUBSTRING:

select x, SUBSTRING(cast(x as varchar(max)), charindex(cast(x as varchar(max)), '.') + 3, len(cast(x as varchar(max))))
from (
    select 2.938 as x
) a

The usual hack (which varies a bit in syntax) is

x - floor(x)

That's the fractional part. To make into an integer, scale it.

(x - floor(x)) * 1000

More generalized approach may be to merge PARSENAME and % operator. (as answered in two of the answers above)

Results as per 1st approach above by SQLMenace

select PARSENAME(0.001,1) 

Result: 001

select PARSENAME(0.0010,1) 

Result: 0010

select PARSENAME(-0.001,1)

Result: 001

select PARSENAME(-1,1)

Result: -1 --> Should not return integer part

select PARSENAME(0,1)

Result: 0

select PARSENAME(1,1)

Result: 1 --> Should not return integer part

select PARSENAME(100.00,1)

Result: 00

Results as per 1st approach above by Pavel Morshenyuk "0." is part of result in this case.

SELECT (100.0001 % 1)

Result: 0.0001

SELECT (100.0010 % 1)

Result: 0.0010

SELECT (0.0001 % 1)

Result: 0.0001

SELECT (0001 % 1)

Result: 0

SELECT (1 % 1)

Result: 0

SELECT (100 % 1)

Result: 0

Combining both:

SELECT PARSENAME((100.0001 % 1),1)

Result: 0001

SELECT PARSENAME((100.0010 % 1),1)

Result: 0010

SELECT PARSENAME((0.0001 % 1),1)

Result: 0001

SELECT PARSENAME((0001 % 1),1)

Result: 0


Result: 0


Result: 0

But still one issue which remains is the zero after the non zero numbers are part of the result (Example: 0.0010 -> 0010). May be one have to apply some other logic to remove that.