How is my 2nd Airport Extreme Connecting To My 1st Airport Extreme?

Solution 1:

SInce your second Airport is connected to the 1st one through an Ethernet cable, and if it isn't out of the normal length for an Ethernet cable I suggest you to choose this link only between your 2 access points (here Airport Extreme).

I advise you to configure the second Airport as follows:

  • suppress the option "Extend Wireless Network",

  • configure it in "bridge" mode,

  • configure it to create a wireless network with the same name and password as the one on your 1st Airport, but with a 2.4 GHz channel chosen so as to be separated from the 1st one channel by 3 empty channels, for example: 1st airport on channel 5, 2nd airport on channel 9 (this is a good practical example I am using to avoid the channels of my neighbours.

    For 5 GHz channels just choose 2 differents ones (5 GHz channels don't overlap on each others as 2.4 GHz do).

With such a configuration you avoid to have 2 physical paths between your 2 AP which may cause flapping (packet 1 going path 1, packet 2 going path 2…) and loops (packet 1 going path 1, returned back on path 2…).