Where to find the Mona Lisa icon from Windows 3.1?

In the old Windows 3.1 days I had an icon of an expressive and very good pixel-art reproduction of DaVinci's Mona Lisa portrait. I'd like to have this icon again, but I couldn't find it anywhere. Which .DLL file was it located in? The icon looked like this:


I checked into moricons.dll and some other files from the Windows 3.11 distribution, but still couldn't find it.

Solution 1:

It looks like the icon is in progman.exe, the Program Manager executable file. In Windows XP, you can still find the icon in %SystemRoot%\system32\progman.exe...

Program Manager icons

After rediscovering this, I think I remember that when you manually created a shortcut in Program Manager, the icons embedded in progman.exe were provided as default choices, or you could click a Browse button to open another .ico or .dll file like moricons.dll. But it's been so long ago, I don't have a copy to play with to confirm, and haven't been able to find information about it online.

Solution 2:

Although I don't remember which .DLL this image is from, in the hopes of solving your problem I've taken your image and converted it with Adobe Photoshop (and one other proprietary command-line tool called "PNG2ICO") to a .ico file for you. You can download it from here:

  enter image description here
  Mona Lisa icon file (2,238 bytes)

Thanks for that nice trip down memory lane!