Is there an antonym for 'nonplussed'? [closed]

Nonplussed is an interesting word because it appears to be a negation of 'plussed' (as in 'not plussed'). As far as I know, 'plussed' isn't a real word.

He was left nonplussed.

How would you say the opposite of this statement?

There is no direct antonym. I imagine you would say something like:

  • 'He was left enlightened."

You can't remove "non" from "nonplussed"; the term in English is one word, borrowed from the Latin "non plus" literally meaning "no more", and not the use of "non-" as a prefix meaning "not". So, the antonym is definitely not "plussed".

To be "nonplussed" is to be left unable to continue, usually in context of a debate; your opponent has said something that has rendered you unable to give a response, for whatever reason. You can say "no more".

Thus, antonymic terms would include "undaunted", "unfazed", "undeterred", etc.

I think you'd have to use something like unperplexed.

unperplexed Adj. 1. - experiencing no difficulty or confusion or bewilderment