Install Pandoc (required for docverter)

You can install directly from the repos:

sudo apt-get install pandoc

I found that installing cabal took up a lot of disk space in my VM, so I prefer to use the deb that the pandoc developers provide. Here's what I do to download and install the current deb (for pandoc v15.1.1):

sudo wget
sudo dpkg -i pandoc-1.15.1-1-amd64.deb

You can check the latest release numbers here:

As pointed out by Stephane Laurent, the version of pandoc in the repos is far from the newest and doesn't allow nice features such as handling citations with --biblio. I struggled to install the newest version using the instructions on the pandoc website and github but here's how I finally did it for Ubuntu 13.10.

  1. Install cabal

    sudo apt-get install cabal-install
  2. Update cabal package database

    cabal update
  3. Make sure that path to cabal is at start of PATH (tip from here)

  4. Use cabal to install alex and happy

    cabal install alex happy
  5. Use cabal to install pandoc (and pandoc-citeproc if wanted)

    cabal install pandoc pandoc-citeproc
  6. Check pandoc version to confirm installed

    pandoc --version

You'll need to add the PATH=$HOME/.cabal/bin:$PATH command to your ~/.profile so it's available on your next restart. Happy converting!

I had similar issues trying to install pandoc on a 512 MB machine in the clouds. According to a comment for this question I was getting the ExitFailure 9 because GHC was receiving a SIGKILL because I was using too much memory. To me this explained the lack of any useful messages with verbose switched on. I turned off ghc optimizations by installing with cabal-dev install pandoc --ghc-options="-O0" and pandoc compiled fine with a far smaller memory footprint. This is not a smart idea if you are in a production environment though!