How to get generic parameter class in Kotlin

Solution 1:

For a class with generic parameter T, you cannot do this because you have no type information for T since the JVM erases the type information. Therefore code like this cannot work:

class Storage<T: Any> {
    val snapshot: Snapshot? = ...

    fun retrieveSomething(): T? {
        return snapshot?.getValue( // ERROR "only classes can be used..."

But, you can make this work if the type of T is reified and used within an inline function:

class Storage {
    val snapshot: Snapshot? = ...

    inline fun <reified T: Any> retrieveSomething(): T? {
        return snapshot?.getValue(

Note that the inline function if public can only access public members of the class. But you can have two variants of the function, one that receives a class parameter which is not inline and accesses private internals, and another inline helper function that does the reification from the inferred type parameter:

class Storage {
    private val snapshot: Snapshot? = ...

    fun <T: Any> retrieveSomething(ofClass: Class<T>): T? {
        return snapshot?.getValue(ofClass)

    inline fun <reified T: Any> retrieveSomething(): T? {
        return retrieveSomething(

You can also use KClass instead of Class so that callers that are Kotlin-only can just use MyClass::class instead of

If you want the class to cooperate with the inline method on the generics (meaning that class Storage only stores objects of type T):

class Storage <T: Any> {
    val snapshot: Snapshot? = ...

    inline fun <reified R: T> retrieveSomething(): R? {
        return snapshot?.getValue(

The link to reified types in inline functions:

Solution 2:

What you need is reified modifier for your generic param, you can read about it here. So if you do something like that:

inline fun <reified T : Any>T.logTag() =

you will get name of the actual caller class, not "Object".