Make GNU screen survive reboot

There is no way to save a screen session in the fashion that you desire. What I did was the next best thing: scripted autossh to connect to my servers and set up my rig the way I like it.

Love it.

Local connection down, I wait, it comes back up and there's my work ( I use nested screens ). Server down or rebooted, I wait, and am back in my default position. This gives me the feeling of continuity that I desired.

Anyway, I asked this exact question years ago on the screen list.

Summary: Seek not eternal life for screen. Instead learn to resurrect.

This is the meat of the .screenrc config:

There is an example, rscreen, in the autossh package that I modified into the econnect program.

The --esc parameter is to set the remote screen escape to something different ( my escape is `)

#add much much more scrollback
defscrollback 10000

# make some default windows

screen -t ADMIN     1
chdir /Users/chiggsy/Sites/
screen -t SITES    2
chdir /Users/chiggsy/src/
screen -t SRC 3
screen -t FERGUS  4 /Users/chiggsy/bin/econnect --host --port 50000 --esc g --user sol
screen -t LAEG 5  /Users/chiggsy/bin/econnect --host --port 505000  --esc g --user invictus

screen -t ROOT      0   sudo su -m


Available screen-session modes: 

save              - save Screen ( and VIM ) session 
load              - load session 
ls                - list saved sessions 

dump              - print detailed informations about windows in the session 
group             - move windows to a group 
layoutlist        - display a list of layouts 
layout-checkpoint - record a snapshot of the current layout. 
layout-history    - display saved snapshots of the current layout 
layout-redo       - load a snapshot of the current layout, 
layout-undo       - load a snapshot of the current layout, 
layout-zoom       - zoom into and out of a region 
kill              - send SIGTERM to last the process started in a window 
kill-zombie       - kill all zombie windows in the session 
kill-group        - recursively kill all windows in a group 
manager           - sessions manager (screenie like) but featuring session 
                    preview in a split window 
nest-layout       - copy a layout to the current region 
new-window        - start a new Screen window in the same working directory 
                    on the position next to the current window 
name              - get or set the sessionname 
regions           - display a number in every region (like tmux display-panes) 
renumber          - renumber windows to fill gaps 
subwindows        - recursively print windows contained in groups