Where did my dog in Minecraft go?

Solution 1:

Animals in Minecraft have particular behaviours, that might help you track down your dog. In this case, dogs will attack skeletons of their own accord, so it's entirely possible that after you died, it chased after the skeleton that attacked you, and continued after another one nearby.

You can also use a command to teleport wolves to your location, which should include your currently tamed wolf:

/tp @e[type=Wolf] @p

This command will tp all nearby wolves to you, so with some work, you might be able to alter the command to tp only your wolf to you

/tp @e[type=Wolf{Owner:<playername>}] @p 

Don't know if that will work - syntax might need some work.

Unfortunately however, wolves are not invincible, so there is the potential that it might have died, fighting the skeleton that killed you, or another one nearby. In this situation, a notification should have appeared in chat.