Can't restart Mac: Finder not responding or «not open anymore» & other culprits

Solution 1:

Here's what I would try:

  1. Login as your 'other' user.

  2. Launch

  3. Type login shortname (where shortname is the username that is having problems with Finder) and enter your password when prompted. (Then type whoami to verify you are logged in the correct account.)

  4. Run these commands:

    mv -v ~/Library/Caches/ ~/Desktop/
    mv -v ~/Library/Preferences/ ~/Desktop/
  5. Log out as your 'other' user.

  6. Log in as shortname as usual.

All of your Finder preferences will be reset to the defaults, but it might solve your problem.

Solution 2:

I think installing new OS X is premature at this time and should remain as option.

But it looks like you have problems with some 3D party apps.

What is https // ?

To test... Log in as Different user and see if it works to confirm my assumption.

You can also run the EtreCheck to get a report on your system.

And disable any app launching at start up in user profile log in items.

More investigation...

To find out what the Finder is doing use following in Terminal.

sudo log show --start "2018-10-26 13:45:17" --end "2018-10-26 14:45:47" --info --debug --signpost | grep -i Finder

Adjust the date/time accordinaly