I am wondering if there is a word that is a verb and describes an operation that is the opposite of ignoring, but not in the sense of appreciate. I want a short way to describe the operation that follows ignoring, i.e. un-ignoring. But "un-ignore" doesn't sound good.

Do you have any better alternatives?


The context is computer science. I have a set of automatically extracted semantic tags, which are used to characterize the contents of a text. A user might find some of them uninteresting, e.g. bare names of people like Paul. So there is an operation of ignoring such tags. Yet, in the future, some of them might be found interesting. So I need another operation allowing for un-ignoring such previously ignored tags.

Reconsider — M-W

verb To think carefully about (someone or something) again especially in order to change a choice or decision you have already made

"She refused to reconsider her decision not to loan us the money."
"Local opposition has forced the company to reconsider building a new warehouse here."

In your context, while the person may be ignoring the content pointed to by the tags, "ignore" doesn't mean that when applied to the tags themselves. Instead it is a verb meaning that a state has been applied to those tags, the state of "ignored". So the most appropriate verb to refer to the reversal of that state change is "to unignore".

If you are looking for a verb, I'd suggest to heed:

to pay attention to (advice, a warning, etc.)
