Do "Monster" mods apply to the "Unique boss" as well?

In this map:

Rarity: Rare
Forsaken Waste
Maze of the Minotaur Map

Map Tier: 16
Item Quantity: +55% (augmented)
Item Rarity: +33% (augmented)
Monster Pack Size: +21% (augmented)

Item Level: 83

Area has patches of shocking ground
29% more Rare Monsters
46% more Monster Life
24% increased Monster Damage
Rare Monsters each have a Nemesis Mod

Travel to this Map by using it in the Templar Laboratory or a personal Map Device. Maps can only be used once. the monster mods also apply to the unique boss at the end?

Solution 1:

Any mod that affects monster will affect all monsters on the map of any rarity including the map boss. It even affects things such as rogue exiles and invasion bosses. A similar question was asked on the forums and Gary_GGG simply responded

It affects all monsters on the map.

My personal experience is from fighting the Palace map version of Dominus with the "monsters have X% increased move, attack and cast speed" mod, which made it significantly harder to dodge his touch of god attack (and also why I remember it so well). Observing mods like speed are much easier to observe than mods you can't look at such as increased health or damage.