Batch XLS to CSV Converter
Using Windows, I need a script to convert all the (xls) files of a directory to csv.
I found this VB Script here
option explicit
dim a, arg, oArgs, ArgNum
a = 0
Set oArgs = WSCript.arguments
ArgNum = oArgs.Count
if ArgNum <> 1 then
WSCript.echo "Syntax: cscript <Script> filename_root"
end if
dim filename_root, oldfilename, pos,newname
oldfilename = oArgs(0)
rem Remove .xls file extension if it was provided
dim ext
ext = right( oldfilename, 4 )
if lcase( ext ) = ".xls" then
oldfilename = left( oldfilename, len( oldfilename ) - 4 )
end if
pos = instr(oldfilename, " ")
if pos > 0 then
newname = right(oldfilename, len(oldfilename) - instrrev(oldfilename, "\"))
newname = replace(newname," ","_")
filename_root = left(oldfilename, instrrev(oldfilename, "\")) & newname
dim oShell
set oShell = Wscript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Wscript.echo "cmd.exe /c ren """ & oldfilename & ".xls"" " & newname & ".xls" "cmd.exe /c ren """ & oldfilename & ".xls"" " & newname & ".xls"
filename_root = oldfilename
end if
dim app
set app = createobject("Excel.Application")
dim wb
set wb = filename_root & ".xls" )
const xlXMLSpreadsheet = 46
const xlCSV = 6
app.DisplayAlerts = false
dim sht
for each sht in wb.worksheets
dim output_filename
output_filename = filename_root & "_" & replace(, " ", "_" ) & ".csv"
wb.saveAs output_filename, xlCSV
'wb.saveAs filename_root & ".xml", xlXMLSpreadsheet
app.DisplayAlerts = true
wb.close false