Get a file's emblem from command line?

I'd like to be able to determine what emblem a file has from the command line. Is there a way to determine this? Also, is there a way to apply emblems from the command line?

I usually have a cron job that trashes files over 7 days old in my ~/Downloads, but I'd like to be able to only delete files that don't have a particular emblem (my seeding torrents). I've been applying these emblems manually, but if I can automate that as well, that'd be awesome.

My usual cron job is just a simple find command:

find /home/zach/Downloads/ -ctime +7 -exec trash {} \;


I solved my own question.


To elaborate on exactly what I'm doing, I use deluge-torrent to manage my downloads. I am now using the execute plugin to run this script on torrent complete:

#!/usr/bin/env bash
# deluge gives the download directory name as the third argument
gvfs-set-attribute -t stringv "$3" metadata::emblems ubuntuone-unsynchronized

I then created my (this requires the trash-cli package):

#!/usr/bin/env bash
[[ "$(gvfs-info -a metadata::emblems $*)" =~ "ubuntuone-unsynchronized" ]] || trash "$*"

Now, I just modify my cron to:

find /home/zach/Downloads/ -maxdepth 1 -ctime +7 -exec /home/zach/Scripts/ {} \;

And voila! Now Deluge can manage its downloads, while my cleanup script can safely cleanup old files without interfering with seeding torrents.

<Juhaz> in ##gnome on freenode got it.

gvfs-info -a metadata::emblems FOLDER

will retrieve the emblem of a folder/file and

gvfs-set-attribute -t stringv FOLDER metadata::emblems EMBLEM

will allow you to set emblem of the folder/file.