Is there a wii that is not homebrewable?

I want homebrew & bootmii on a Wii, but I don't currently own a Wii.

Is there any particular Wii that that this won't work for?

Solution 1:

There are currently seven exploits to install Homebrew on the latest version of the Wii's OS

According to Nintendo's Wii update history:

The last update to the Wii was in 2010 to version 4.3.

The Homebrew wiki's installation page reads:

The methods described in this tutorial covers the Smash Stack, Yu-Gi-OWNED!, Bathaxx, Return of the Jodi, Indiana Pwns, Eri HaKawai and Letterbomb exploits as these are the only methods working for 4.3

And according to that wiki page's history, the lastest exploit to be created was Return of the Jodi in 2011, one year after Nintendo's final update. (This does not mean the exploits weren't updated since then.)

There can be unhomebrewable Wiis, if Nintendo out of the blue releases an update for the Wii, however I find that extremely unlikely. Even then, more exploits will be found for the new version.

Protip: Before you do anything, read the instalation instructions all the way through once.

Solution 2:

Is there any particular Wii that that this won't work for?

Yes, there is one, although it's uncommon.

The Wii Mini does not have an SD card reader, and lacks any form of network access. (The wireless hardware been omitted, and there is no software support for the USB LAN Adapter or Wi-Fi USB Connector.) This leaves no way to load custom software onto the device.

The Wii Mini is physically much smaller than the standard Wii and has an unusual black-and-red color scheme, so it's easy to recognize and avoid.