Update multiple sudoers file
We have multiple Linux servers that authenticate to an Active Directory Domain. For a group in AD, I want to add a list of commands that are allowed to run as root using sudo. I can obviously ssh-in to each computer and update sudoers file -but that will take some time. Also, root login is not allowed. So, password less logins will only work for non-root users.
Is there a quick way to update the sudoers file for each Linux computer at once? I am thinking of a Perl or Python script with some system administration abilities here.
Update: Thanks veroteq7 and Shane Madden. I had thought about deploying cfengine at one point- but we don't have it running currently. We have decided that using LDAP would be the best solution. I am getting an error importing the LDIF schema schema.ActiveDirectory for sudo. The error is "parameter is not correct" on line 144.
This is the content from line 144 onwards:
dn: CN=sudoRole,CN=Schema,CN=Configuration,DC=X
changetype: add
objectClass: top
objectClass: classSchema
cn: sudoRole
distinguishedName: CN=sudoRole,CN=Schema,CN=Configuration,DC=X
instanceType: 4
possSuperiors: container
possSuperiors: top
subClassOf: top
mayContain: sudoCommand
mayContain: sudoHost
mayContain: sudoOption
mayContain: sudoRunAs
mayContain: sudoRunAsUser
mayContain: sudoRunAsGroup
mayContain: sudoUser
rDNAttID: cn
showInAdvancedViewOnly: FALSE
adminDisplayName: sudoRole
adminDescription: Sudoer Entries
objectClassCategory: 1
lDAPDisplayName: sudoRole
name: sudoRole
schemaIDGUID:: SQn432lnZ0+ukbdh3+gN3w==
systemOnly: FALSE
objectCategory: CN=Class-Schema,CN=Schema,CN=Configuration,DC=X
defaultObjectCategory: CN=sudoRole,CN=Schema,CN=Configuration,DC=X
The command that I used is:
ldifde -i -f schema.ActiveDirectory -c dc=X dc=DOMAINNAME,dc=LOCAL
Update2: I created a new question. Thanks everybody for suggestions.
Solution 1:
Why not scrap /etc/sudoers
and use AD (LDAP) as your sudoers store? -- More info here.
You're already authenticating against AD, so this is just the next logical step, and gives you a convenient, centralized place to handle authentication and authorization.
Solution 2:
How about a configuration management tool? Puppet, Chef, CFEngine, etc?
Solution 3:
You can define groups in sudoers... and pull those groups from a central authentication repository... like Active Directory. I love putting domain admins in my sudoers file. Saves a lot of headaches.
Solution 4:
If you're searching for an API to modify your sudoers file, you can use Augeas with the Sudoers lens. It integrates nicely with Puppet, but you could also use it in a script of yours (there's many bindings).
See this answer for example.