Does a Gold Axe mine faster than a Diamond Axe in Minecraft?

Solution 1:

Yes, unenchanted Golden Axes are faster than Diamond Axes.

a Diamond Axe chops a block of wood in 0.4 seconds, where a Golden Axe chops a block of wood in 0.25 seconds.

Gamepedia article detailing chopping speeds

The below relates to pickaxes... as i misread the question!

Yes, on the blocks they can mine, they mine faster.

For instance, it takes 0.95 seconds to mine a redstone block with a Diamond Pickaxe, and 0.65 seconds with a Golden Pickaxe.

Gamepedia article detailing mining speeds.

Solution 2:

You are correct! Though golden axes have lower hp than diamond axes, golden axes have 15% faster mining speed.