How to get a list of current variables from Jinja 2 template?

If I return a Jinja2 template like so: return render_response('home.htm', **context)

How do then get a list of the variables in context from within the template?

Technically, because context is not passed as a named dictionary, a little work is required to generate a list of the context variables from inside a template. It is possible though.

  1. Define a Jinja context function to return the jinja2.Context object, which is essentially a dictionary of the global variables/functions

  2. Make that function available in the global namespace; i.e. a jinja2.Environment or jinja2.Template globals dictionary

  3. Optionally, filter objects from the context; for instance, use callable() to skip Jinja's default global helper functions (range, joiner, etc.). This may be done in the context function or the template; wherever it makes the most sense.


>>> import jinja2
>>> @jinja2.contextfunction
... def get_context(c):
...         return c
>>> tmpl = """ 
... {% for key, value in context().items() %}
...     {% if not callable(value) %}
...         {{ key }}:{{ value }}
...     {% endif %}
... {% endfor %}
... """
>>> template = jinja2.Template(tmpl)
>>> template.globals['context'] = get_context
>>> template.globals['callable'] = callable
>>> context = {'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3}
>>> print(template.render(**context))

[Alternately, call render_response with ('home.htm', context=context) to make the other solution work.]

Here's how to get @crewbum's answer working from a Flask app:

import jinja2

def get_context(c):
    return c

app.jinja_env.globals['context'] = get_context
app.jinja_env.globals['callable'] = callable