Fetching all contacts in ios Swift?

Swift 4 and 5. I have create class PhoneContacts. Please add NSContactsUsageDescription key to your info.plist file

 import Foundation
 import ContactsUI

class PhoneContacts {

    class func getContacts(filter: ContactsFilter = .none) -> [CNContact] { //  ContactsFilter is Enum find it below

        let contactStore = CNContactStore()
        let keysToFetch = [
            CNContactFormatter.descriptorForRequiredKeys(for: .fullName),
            CNContactThumbnailImageDataKey] as [Any]

        var allContainers: [CNContainer] = []
        do {
            allContainers = try contactStore.containers(matching: nil)
        } catch {
            print("Error fetching containers")

        var results: [CNContact] = []

        for container in allContainers {
            let fetchPredicate = CNContact.predicateForContactsInContainer(withIdentifier: container.identifier)

            do {
                let containerResults = try contactStore.unifiedContacts(matching: fetchPredicate, keysToFetch: keysToFetch as! [CNKeyDescriptor])
                results.append(contentsOf: containerResults)
            } catch {
                print("Error fetching containers")
        return results

The calling to above method in another class

import ContactsUI
func phoneNumberWithContryCode() -> [String] {

    let contacts = PhoneContacts.getContacts() // here calling the getContacts methods
    var arrPhoneNumbers = [String]()
    for contact in contacts {
        for ContctNumVar: CNLabeledValue in contact.phoneNumbers {
            if let fulMobNumVar  = ContctNumVar.value as? CNPhoneNumber {
                //let countryCode = fulMobNumVar.value(forKey: "countryCode") get country code
                   if let MccNamVar = fulMobNumVar.value(forKey: "digits") as? String {
    return arrPhoneNumbers // here array has all contact numbers.

Now, Get email and phone of contacts

    enum ContactsFilter {
        case none
        case mail
        case message

    var phoneContacts = [PhoneContact]() // array of PhoneContact(It is model find it below) 
    var filter: ContactsFilter = .none

    self.loadContacts(filter: filter) // Calling loadContacts methods

       fileprivate func loadContacts(filter: ContactsFilter) {
            var allContacts = [PhoneContact]()
            for contact in PhoneContacts.getContacts(filter: filter) {
                allContacts.append(PhoneContact(contact: contact))

            var filterdArray = [PhoneContact]()
            if self.filter == .mail {
                filterdArray = allContacts.filter({ $0.email.count > 0 }) // getting all email 
            } else if self.filter == .message {
                filterdArray = allContacts.filter({ $0.phoneNumber.count > 0 })
            } else {
                filterdArray = allContacts
            phoneContacts.append(contentsOf: filterdArray)

  for contact in phoneContacts {
      print("Name -> \(contact.name)")
      print("Email -> \(contact.email)")
      print("Phone Number -> \(contact.phoneNumber)")
    let arrayCode  = self.phoneNumberWithContryCode()
    for codes in arrayCode {
     DispatchQueue.main.async {
       self.tableView.reloadData() // update your tableView having phoneContacts array

PhoneContact Model Class

import Foundation
import ContactsUI

class PhoneContact: NSObject {

    var name: String?
    var avatarData: Data?
    var phoneNumber: [String] = [String]()
    var email: [String] = [String]()
    var isSelected: Bool = false
    var isInvited = false

    init(contact: CNContact) {
        name        = contact.givenName + " " + contact.familyName
        avatarData  = contact.thumbnailImageData
        for phone in contact.phoneNumbers {
        for mail in contact.emailAddresses {
            email.append(mail.value as String)

    override init() {

Many answers to Contact Framework questions suggest iterating over various containers (accounts). However, Apple's documentation describes a "Unified Contact" as

Contacts in different accounts that represent the same person may be automatically linked together. Linked contacts are displayed in OS X and iOS apps as unified contacts. A unified contact is an in-memory, temporary view of the set of linked contacts that are merged into one contact.

By default the Contacts framework returns unified contacts. Each fetched unified contact (CNContact) object has its own unique identifier that is different from any individual contact’s identifier in the set of linked contacts. A refetch of a unified contact should be done with its identifier. Source

So simplest way to fetch a list of (partial, based on keys) contacts in a single array, would be the following:

      var contacts = [CNContact]()
    let keys = [CNContactFormatter.descriptorForRequiredKeys(for: .fullName)]
    let request = CNContactFetchRequest(keysToFetch: keys)
    let contactStore = CNContactStore()
    do {
        try contactStore.enumerateContacts(with: request) {
            (contact, stop) in
            // Array containing all unified contacts from everywhere
    catch {
        print("unable to fetch contacts")

Update for Swift 4

let contactStore = CNContactStore()
var contacts = [CNContact]()
let keys = [
        CNContactFormatter.descriptorForRequiredKeys(for: .fullName),
        ] as [Any]
let request = CNContactFetchRequest(keysToFetch: keys as! [CNKeyDescriptor])
do {
    try contactStore.enumerateContacts(with: request){
            (contact, stop) in
        // Array containing all unified contacts from everywhere
        for phoneNumber in contact.phoneNumbers {
            if let number = phoneNumber.value as? CNPhoneNumber, let label = phoneNumber.label {
                let localizedLabel = CNLabeledValue<CNPhoneNumber>.localizedString(forLabel: label)
                print("\(contact.givenName) \(contact.familyName) tel:\(localizedLabel) -- \(number.stringValue), email: \(contact.emailAddresses)")
} catch {
    print("unable to fetch contacts")

    // You may add more "keys" to fetch referred to official documentation
    let keysToFetch = [CNContactFormatter.descriptorForRequiredKeysForStyle(.FullName)]

    // The container means 
    // that the source the contacts from, such as Exchange and iCloud
    var allContainers: [CNContainer] = []
    do {
        allContainers = try store.containersMatchingPredicate(nil)
    } catch {
        print("Error fetching containers")

    var contacts: [CNContact] = []

    // Loop the containers
    for container in allContainers {
        let fetchPredicate = CNContact.predicateForContactsInContainerWithIdentifier(container.identifier)

        do {
            let containerResults = try store.unifiedContactsMatchingPredicate(fetchPredicate, keysToFetch: keysToFetch)
            // Put them into "contacts"
        } catch {
            print("Error fetching results for container")