Piping in postfix/aliases [duplicate]

Pipe Alias are implemented by local(8) postfix agent.


This means you are using the virtual(8) agent delivery to [email protected] but you need local(8) to fetch that email. Maybe you using virtual as your local_transport or you need to put in your 'virtual_alias_maps' file something like:

[email protected] support@localhost

This postfix-users thread and the postfix documentation may help.

You could use a simple alias in /etc/aliases (or wherever it is located):

support: |/usr/local/bin/yourscripthandler

Don't forget to run newaliases afterwards.

Note that redirection (>/tmp/blah) is something handled by the shell, and AFAIK postfix won't invoke a shell to run your command; so yourscripthandler should be something like:

/usr/local/bin/theactualscripthandler >/tmp/dummy