Docusign anchorString in textTabs

   I'm using envelopedefinition XML to add textTabs based on anchorString. 

looks like anchorstring can ONLY be single string. if space in the string, it won't work. Does anyone have idea what I am doing wrong? if I use [Authorized] or [Representative], it works. if I use 2 strings combined with space like the following, it won't work.

      <anchorString>Authorized Representative</anchorString>  -- this part does not work

A common problem in this circumstance is that the source string in the PDF is using a different character than a space character between the words. Try to copy/paste those characters to see.


  1. Try turning off MatchWholeWord. Only use it if you get extraneous matches.
  2. Try creating the template / tag using the web browser. See if it enables you to match the text / the location that you want. Depending on your use case, it is often easiest to create a template using the web user interface, and then select the template as part of your API call. (Vs creating the tags via the API call.)
  3. If you can modify the document, add "sig1" to the source document, using white-colored letters so they won't be seen in the doc. Then anchor match on "sig1".