How to unlock Eve's Dead Bird?

The achievement description says:

Make 2 deals with the devil in one play through.

My only question is, does it count if I make two deals with the same appearance of the devil? When you meet the devil he always has two offers, if I take both, do they both count? Or does the achievement only count separate meetings with the devil?

Solution 1:

Yes, confirmed - you can unlock Eve by making two deals with the same devil (i.e. purchasing both deals in the one room). By side effect, you also unlock her Dead Bird and Whore of Babylon ("The Curse"), which is announced upon leaving the room.

Source: Me, having just now done exactly that and unlocking her.

Solution 2:

If the patch notes are to be believed, then you have to make a total of 2 deals with the devil in two separate encounters.
