Terminal behaving differently since updating to Lion

Ever since my company updated to Lion, terminal.app has been behaving differently. When I click on the dock icon, it sometimes opens several terminal windows at once, instead of a single one, and all of them display my previous session's activity, rather than just opening to a shell prompt.

What can I do to make the terminal go back to behaving the way it used to? I can't find anything in the prefs that would account for these changes.

Solution 1:

If you prefer a graphical interface you can use the app TinkerTool.

This application gives you access to additional preference settings and allows to activate hidden features in the operating system.

enter image description here

Solution 2:

This is the resume feature of OS X Lion.

Undo resume for a specific application

Type the following command in the Terminal. Then restart the specific application.

In general the syntax is:

defaults write com."producer"."program-name" ApplePersistenceIgnoreState YES

Thus, in your case (Terminal.app) it is:

defaults write com.apple.terminal ApplePersistenceIgnoreState YES

If you want to set the resume feature again, simply write NO using the same syntax.

Undo resume for all applications

In order to disable this for all applications do this:

go to System Preferences->General enter image description here