How do you cleanly list all the containers in a kubernetes pod?

I am looking to list all the containers in a pod in a script that gather's logs after running a test. kubectl describe pods -l k8s-app=kube-dns returns a lot of info, but I am just looking for a return like:


I don't see a simple way to format the describe output. Is there another command? (and I guess worst case there is always parsing the output of describe).


kubectl get pods POD_NAME_HERE -o jsonpath='{.spec.containers[*].name}'


This gets the JSON object representing the pod. It then uses kubectl's JSONpath to extract the name of each container from the pod.

You can use get and choose one of the supported output template with the --output (-o) flag.

Take jsonpath for example, kubectl get pods -l k8s-app=kube-dns -o jsonpath={.items[*].spec.containers[*].name} gives you etcd kube2sky skydns.

Other supported output output templates are go-template, go-template-file, jsonpath-file. See for how to use jsonpath template. See for how to use go template.

Update: Check this doc for other example commands to list container images: