When polynomials f(x) and f'(x) are relatively prime, f(x) has no repeated roots. Why?

HINT $\rm\ \ g^2\ |\ f\ \Rightarrow\ g\ |\ gcd(f,f{\:'})\ $ since $\rm\ (g^2\:h)'\:=\ g\ (g\:h' + 2\:g'\:h)\:.$

So we are to prove that if $f(x)$ and $f'(x)$ are relatively prime, then there are no repeated roots. Let us consider the contrapositive: if there is a repeated root, then f(x) and f'(x) are not relatively prime. This, I think, is very simply to prove.

Denote the repeated root by r. Then $f(x) = (x-r)g(x)$ and $f'(x) = (x-r)h(x)$, for some $g(x)$ and some $h(x)$.