problem with chmod command

I don't know what is happening

experimentx@workmateX:/var/www$ sudo chmod 0777 -r /var/www/

chmod: cannot access `0777': No such file or directory


Use this:

sudo chmod 0777 -R /var/www/

-R instead of -r.

Use "-R" instead of "-r".

From the chmod help:

-R, --recursive change files and directories recursively

Also note that the 0 will no longer clear suid/sgid/sticky in recent versions of chmod and you'll soon have to use a symbolic mode (if that's what you're intending to do).

  • coreutils bug#8391: chmod setuid & setguid bits
  • Red Hat Bug 691466 - [RFE] Enable octal-digit mode for removal of UID/GID/sticky bits