Outlook 2010 changes formatting after pasting text

Every time I paste a link from say Google chrome to an Outlook email I am composing, all text I type from that point on has different text than the one before it.

How do I tell Outlook to stop changing my formatting every time I paste some text?

Solution 1:

Your problem is that the copied text arrives with its formatting, which should be stripped. There are products that do that, and some browsers support a "copy plain text" operation or extension, but the simplest solution is to modify that option in Outlook.

From Copy and Paste in Outlook Without Messing Up Your Formatting :

Go to Outlook Options => Mail Format tab => Editor Options => Advanced, then scroll down a little ways to the Cut, copy, and paste options. Drop down each option and select "Match Destination Formatting" or "Keep Text Only".

I don't have Outlook 2010, so cannot judge how easy it is to get to these options.


Solution 2:

Do this:

  1. Before you paste, make some extra lines with Enter.
  2. move one or two lines up
  3. paste (paste should not be on last line)
  4. move line down and you have your original messge body format.

Solution 3:

Try using Paste Special. Seems Joel has also had issues with Outlook pasting. If you're message format is HTML, you should have the menu option Edit->Paste Special.... Then, under As:, select Unformatted Text. I'm using Outlook 2003 and don't see any keyboard shortcut for Paste Special. So unfortunately, you might be stuck with a few mouse clicks for every paste.

I tried looking for the setting @harrymc referenced, but I'm not finding it in Outlook 2003.