Exchange 2010 Archive to PST

I would like to do as I used to be able to do with Exmerge with older versions of Exchange.

Basically, I need to be able to find messages that are older than a certain date, export those messages to a PST file and then delete them from the mailbox.

Is there a way to do this using the Exchange Powershell?

Any help appreciated


Solution 1:

As of Exchange 2007, you've been able to do this via powershell commands, e.g. Export-Mailbox and as of 2010 that's been your only (built in, at least) option..

Microsoft changed the powershell commands for Exchange 2010 SP1, and you should now use New-MailboxExportRequest to export data from a mailbox to a .pst file. I've given an example below.

Rather than attempt to summarise the arguments for the command, I'll simply point you at the Microsoft documentation for any further detail (this is also where I got the example below from).

New-MailboxExportRequest -Mailbox Tony -ContentFilter {(body -like "*company*") -and (body -like "*profit*") -and (Received -lt "01/01/2010")} -FilePath "\\SERVER\PSTFileShare\Tony_CompanyProfits.pst"