Error Installing Psycopg2 on MacOS 10.9.5

Solution 1:

I ran pip install psycopg2-binary and it worked like charm

More info about the binary package

Solution 2:

You don't seem to have postgres installed, check how to install postgresql in your system, one of the way is brew install postgresql (if you use homebrew- recommended) or download the postgres app from, pg_config should come with postgres and psycopg2 is trying to find it.

Solution 3:

To install psycopg2 you need have installed server before( I have installed PostgresApp)

Run manually command including the path of pg_config program in PATH env variable, in my case:

export PATH=/Applications/$PATH

and then run

pip3 install psycopg2


Check directory of pg_config:

which pg_config

Solution 4:

OSX doesn't include PostgreSQL anymore, so you need to install it in some way to build the binary part of psycopg2 module.

I've used both brew and port. Installing any PostgreSQL version through one of them will enable you to build the module.

If you install Postgres in other ways, you need to check that the executable pg_config in in your path.

You can check for pg_config presence using the command

which -a pg_config

If you have Postgres installed and the aforementioned command doesn't return anything, you need to manually find the pg_config executable and put its containing directory in your PATH with:

export PATH=/path/to/postgresql/bin/:$PATH


If you already installed it through homebrew, but it is not in your path, you should check if the /usr/local/bin directory is present in your path and add it if missing

If the directory is there, you can try to relink postgres with the following command

brew unlink postgresql && brew link postgresql

Solution 5:

If you use Docker and you do not want to install postgresql in you host system, you can try to use package psycopg2-binary and use postgresql in container.