Ubuntu 12.04 touch-pad and keyboard problems asus q500a

Solution 1:

I suggest you to install following packages if they are not already installed:

  • If you are not able to write in terminal, it is possible that you you will be able to type in CLI Mode. Press CTRL+ALT+F1 to go to command line interface. Login using your username and password.
  • Execute following commands to install above mentioned packages if not already installed:

    $ sudo apt-get update
    $ sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-input-multitouch
    $ sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-input-synpatics
  • Restart your system:

    $ sudo reboot now
  • I hope your problem will be solved after login.

  • If it still exists, you can give a try to Jockey, a package which scans & installs all proprietary drives. You can find it in /usr/share/applications directory. No need to go through command line. Just browse the folder. Run it and wait for sometime till it finishes scanning your available drivers. Restart again and notice the difference.

More information about Synaptic Touchpad:

Synaptic Touchpad Configuration

Solution 2:

Asus Q500a with 14.04 LTS. Reload Xorg Multitouch and Synaptics. Problem solved for me. I do not use the touchpad, have a wireless mouse instead. Touchpad disabled in UEFI.