Is it possible to convert a VMWare vmdk image file to physical hardisk drive?

If you have qemu-img, you should be able to do all of this from a command line dealing just with image files.

qemu-img convert source.vmdk -O raw <path>
dd if=<path> of=/dev/<disk> bs=1G count=<target-gb-size>

That will write out whatever raw format the vmdk was out to a physical drive. Its better to use copy-on-write FS for this. Make sure that all source data allocated within first N Gb to fit the target disk of N-Gb size.

A bit late, but for reference I have successfully:

  1. Attach clonezilla to the virtual machine
  2. Boot the virtual machine with clonezilla disk
  3. Save an image of the disk to an external USB drive (also attached to the virtual machine)
  4. Restore the image to a physical disk using clonezilla