Keyboard Shortcut to Submit Current Form on Chrome/OS X?

Thanks to Lri's comment above, I've been inspired to fix this for myself. I've written a Google Chrome extension that will use the alt+shift+s keyboard shortcut on Windows/Linux and cmd+shift+s on Mac to submit the form currently being filled in. Using it now to lazily submit this answer :D


More than five years later, surprisingly no one else has implemented a similar solution so it's (finally) been published to the Chrome store and is available for installation/download.


tell application "Google Chrome" to tell tab 1 of window 1
    execute javascript (do shell script "cat \Library/Documentation/Help/")
    execute javascript "$(document.activeElement).closest('form').submit();"
end tell


tell application "Safari" to tell document 1
    do JavaScript (do shell script "cat /Library/Documentation/Help/")
    do JavaScript "$(document.activeElement).closest('form').submit();"
end tell

Does anyone know any jQuery-less alternative to $(document.activeElement).closest('form').submit();?