Navigation Back and Forward not working at Intellij IDEA

Solution 1:

Intel Graphics uses these hotkeys for rotating the screen(Ctrl+Alt+Left/Right are used to rotate the screen 90 degree Left/Right). I have disabled Graphics hotkey, but still I was not able to use these hotkey in Intellij IDEA, then I changed the hotkey for Intel Graphics(Ctrl+Alt+F2/F3). Now I am able to Navigate Back and Forward with Ctrl+Alt+Left/Right.

Solution 2:

In Gnome Ctrl + Alt + Left / Right are bound to switch-to-workspace-left/right per default.
To remove these keybindings, call:

 gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.wm.keybindings switch-to-workspace-left "['']"
 gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.wm.keybindings switch-to-workspace-right "['']"

Solution 3:

Still applicable in 2020... What worked for me was to not only disable the Intel Graphics system hotkeys, but to enable them first, change them to something that is not currently in use and then disable them back. Simply disabling them did not work for me.

Solution 4:

In Windows press CTL + ALT + F12 to opens Intel control panel. Go to options and disable hot keys.

Note: If you need to enable hot keys back (CTL + ALT + F12 will not work), go to Start menu in Windows paste Intel Graphics and run one of these files: Gfxv4_0.exe, GfxUIEx.exe, Gfxv2_0.exe. Intel Graphics