Is it possible to avoid the entry point (main) in a C program. In the below code, is it possible to invoke the func() call without calling via main() in the below program ? If Yes, how to do it and when would it be required and why is such a provision given ?

int func(void)
     printf("This is func \n");
     return 0;

int main(void)
     printf("This is main \n");
     return 0;

Solution 1:

If you're using gcc, I found a thread that said you can use the -e command-line parameter to specify a different entry point; so you could use func as your entry point, which would leave main unused.

Note that this doesn't actually let you call another routine instead of main. Instead, it lets you call another routine instead of _start, which is the libc startup routine -- it does some setup and then it calls main. So if you do this, you'll lose some of the initialization code that's built into your runtime library, which might include things like parsing command-line arguments. Read up on this parameter before using it.

If you're using another compiler, there may or may not be a parameter for this.

Solution 2:

When building embedded systems firmware to run directly from ROM, I often will avoid naming the entry point main() to emphasize to a code reviewer the special nature of the code. In these cases, I am supplying a customized version of the C runtime startup module, so it is easy to replace its call to main() with another name such as BootLoader().

I (or my vendor) almost always have to customize the C runtime startup in these systems because it isn't unusual for the RAM to require initialization code for it to begin operating correctly. For instance, typical DRAM chips require a surprising amount of configuration of their controlling hardware, and often require a substantial (thousands of bus clock cycles) delay before they are useful. Until that is complete, there may not even be a place to put the call stack so the startup code may not be able to call any functions. Even if the RAM devices are operational at power on, there is almost always some amount of chip select hardware or an FPGA or two that requires initialization before it is safe to let the C runtime start its initialization.

When a program written in C loads and starts, some component is responsible for making the environment in which main() is called exist. In Unix, linux, Windows, and other interactive environments, much of that effort is a natural consequence of the OS component that loads the program. However, even in these environments there is some amount of initialization work to do before main() can be called. If the code is really C++, then there can be a substantial amount of work that includes calling the constructors for all global object instances.

The details of all of this are handled by the linker and its configuration and control files. The linker ld(1) has a very elaborate control file that tells it exactly what segments to include in the output, at what addresses, and in what order. Finding the linker control file you are implicitly using for your toolchain and reading it can be instructive, as can the reference manual for the linker itself and the ABI standard your executables must follow in order to run.

Edit: To more directly answer the question as asked in a more common context: "Can you call foo instead of main?" The answer is "Maybe, but but only by being tricky".

On Windows, an executable and a DLL are very nearly the same format of file. It is possible to write a program that loads an arbitrary DLL named at runtime, and locates an arbitrary function within it, and calls it. One such program actually ships as part of a standard Windows distribution: rundll32.exe.

Since a .EXE file can be loaded and inspected by the same APIs that handle .DLL files, in principle if the .EXE has an EXPORTS section that names the function foo, then a similar utility could be written to load and invoke it. You don't need to do anything special with main, of course, since that will be the natural entry point. Of course, the C runtime that was initialized in your utility might not be the same C runtime that was linked with your executable. (Google for "DLL Hell" for hint.) In that case, your utility might need to be smarter. For instance, it could act as a debugger, load the EXE with a break point at main, run to that break point, then change the PC to point at or into foo and continue from there.

Some kind of similar trickery might be possible on Linux since .so files are also similar in some respects to true executables. Certainly, the approach of acting like a debugger could be made to work.

Solution 3:

A rule of thumb would be that the loader supplied by the system would always run main. With sufficient authority and competence you could theoretically write a different loader that did something else.