Abbreviation for "in contrast to"

We have abbreviation for 'that is'-i.e., 'for example'-e.g., 'confer'-c.f., 'versus'-vs.

In my understanding, i.e. and e.g. is commonly used inside a sentence, while c.f. and vs. is used outside a sentence, e.g. inside a bracket. (Correct me on this)

"These models are called feedworard, in contrast to recurrent neural networks, because information flows through the function evaluated from x."

I see a lot of usage for 'in contrast to' (probably as much as i.e.), but never seen an abbreviation for it. Is there any abbreviation for 'in contrast to' (where you can use commonly put inside a sentence)?

vs or versus :

  • Abbr. v. or vs. In conflict or competition with; against: the plaintiff versus the defendant; Michigan versus Ohio State.