Xcode 4: How do you view the console?

I can't seem to find a way to have the console run (to show NSLog comments) in XCode 4. The normal method for the previous version of XCode does not work. Does anyone have an idea of how to accomplish this?

You need to click Log Navigator icon (far right in left sidebar). Then choose your Debug/Run session in left sidebar, and you will have console in editor area.

enter image description here

for Xcode 5:

View->Debug Area->Activate Console

shift + cmd + c

If you just want to have the log output display when you run your app then you can go into XCode4 preferences -> Alerts and click on 'Run starts' on the left hand column.

Then select 'Show Debugger' and when you run the app the NSLog output will be displayed below the editor pane.

This way you don't have to select on the 'up arrow' button at the bottom bar.

The console is no extra window anymore but it is under the texteditor area. You can set the preferences to always show this area. Go to "General" "Run Start" and activate "Show Debugger". Under "Run completes" the Debugger is set to hide again. You should deactivate that option. Now the console will remain visible.


In the latest GM Release you can show and hide the console via a button in the toolbar. Very easy.