There are two main differences between a "train" prototxt and a "deploy" one:

1. Inputs: While for training data is fixed to a pre-processed training dataset (lmdb/HDF5 etc.), deploying the net require it to process other inputs in a more "random" fashion.
Therefore, the first change is to remove the input layers (layers that push "data" and "labels" during TRAIN and TEST phases). To replace the input layers you need to add the following declaration:

input: "data"
input_shape: { dim:1 dim:3 dim:224 dim:224 }

This declaration does not provide the actual data for the net, but it tells the net what shape to expect, allowing caffe to pre-allocate necessary resources.

2. Loss: the top most layers in a training prototxt define the loss function for the training. This usually involve the ground truth labels. When deploying the net, you no longer have access to these labels. Thus loss layers should be converted to "prediction" outputs. For example, a "SoftmaxWithLoss" layer should be converted to a simple "Softmax" layer that outputs class probability instead of log-likelihood loss. Some other loss layers already have predictions as inputs, thus it is sufficient just to remove them.

Update: see this tutorial for more information.