How to list all requests to udp sockets?

UDP is a stateless protocol - so, no states.

To see what's listening for UDP:

netstat -lnpu

The equivalent command on modern linux:

ss -lnpu

You could log every UDP connection using iptables:

iptables -A INPUT -p udp -j LOG --log-prefix "udp connection: "

Perhaps you might want to limit it to some ports. Check documentation here or, preferably, man iptables.

As others have mentioned UDP is connection-less so state isn't tracked in the standard locations you might look.

One method you could use is simply setup some simple netfilter rules that use the --state option. This will force netfilter to track state related to UDP. Once you setup rules then you can use a tool like conntrack to look at the netfilter state table. Here for example is what one of my system looks like. You can see there are a couple systems that are frequently communicating to udp/1194 (OpenVPN).

root@enterprise:# conntrack  -L -p udp
udp      17 173 src= dst= sport=41179 dport=1194 packets=2072 bytes=188058 src= dst= sport=1194 dport=41179 packets=2081 bytes=201185 [ASSURED] mark=0 secmark=0 use=1
udp      17 175 src= dst= sport=57440 dport=1194 packets=806767 bytes=154637738 src= dst= sport=1194 dport=57440 packets=1265893 bytes=1588040830 [ASSURED] mark=0 secmark=0 use=1

Your netfilter rules could be as simple as this.

/sbin/iptables -t filter -A INPUT -m state --state NEW\,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT
/sbin/iptables -t filter -A FORWARD -m state --state NEW\,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT
/sbin/iptables -t filter -A OUTPUT -m state --state NEW\,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT

On Linux, assuming that the iproute2 is installed, you can run the ss command to pull udp sockets like so:

ss -u

Or all udp sockets, with the associated process:

[root@kerberos ks]# ss -u -pa
State       Recv-Q Send-Q                                   Local Address:Port                                       Peer Address:Port   
UNCONN      0      0                                                    *:kerberos                                               *:*        users:(("krb5kdc",1935,7))
UNCONN      0      0                                                    *:mdns                                                  *:*        users:(("avahi-daemon",1613,13))
UNCONN      0      0                                                    *:rquotad                                               *:*        users:(("rpc.rquotad",1872,3))
UNCONN      0      0                                                    *:kerberos-iv                                               *:*        users:(("krb5kdc",1935,6))
UNCONN      0      0                                                    *:sunrpc                                                *:*        users:(("rpcbind",1569,6))
UNCONN      0      0                                                    *:ipp                                                   *:*        users:(("cupsd",1687,9))
UNCONN      0      0                                                                                *:*        users:(("ntpd",1976,23))
UNCONN      0      0                                                                                   *:*        users:(("ntpd",1976,22))
UNCONN      0      0                                                                                     *:*        users:(("ntpd",1976,21))
UNCONN      0      0                                                    *:ntp                                                   *:*        users:(("ntpd",1976,16))
UNCONN      0      0                                                    *:892                                                   *:*        users:(("rpc.mountd",1888,7))
UNCONN      0      0                                                    *:896                                                   *:*        users:(("rpcbind",1569,7))
UNCONN      0      0                                                    *:32769                                                 *:*       
UNCONN      0      0                                                    *:nfs                                                   *:*       
UNCONN      0      0                                                    *:syslog                                                *:*        users:(("rsyslogd",1506,1))
UNCONN      0      0                                                    *:42375                                                 *:*        users:(("avahi-daemon",1613,14))
UNCONN      0      0                                                    *:pftp                                                  *:*        users:(("rpc.statd",1643,8))
UNCONN      0      0                                                    *:snmp                                                  *:*        users:(("snmpd",1949,7))
UNCONN      0      0                                                    *:37802                                                 *:*        users:(("squid",2124,9))
UNCONN      0      0                                                    *:bootps                                                *:*        users:(("dhcpd",1987,7))
UNCONN      0      0                                                    *:tftp                                                  *:*        users:(("xinetd",1968,6))
UNCONN      0      0                                                    *:971                                                   *:*        users:(("rpc.statd",1643,5))
UNCONN      0      0                                                    *:kpasswd                                               *:*        users:(("kadmind",1926,6))
UNCONN      0      0                             fe80::2e0:4cff:fe90:40eb:kerberos                                              :::*        users:(("krb5kdc",1935,11))
UNCONN      0      0                             fe80::226:2dff:fe47:309f:kerberos                                              :::*        users:(("krb5kdc",1935,9))
UNCONN      0      0                             fe80::2e0:4cff:fe90:40eb:kerberos-iv                                              :::*        users:(("krb5kdc",1935,10))
UNCONN      0      0                             fe80::226:2dff:fe47:309f:kerberos-iv                                              :::*        users:(("krb5kdc",1935,8))
UNCONN      0      0                                                   :::sunrpc                                               :::*        users:(("rpcbind",1569,9))
UNCONN      0      0                              fe80::fc54:ff:feda:8094:ntp                                                  :::*        users:(("ntpd",1976,26))
UNCONN      0      0                              fe80::fc54:ff:fe52:8f66:ntp                                                  :::*        users:(("ntpd",1976,30))
UNCONN      0      0                              fe80::fc54:ff:feea:63a8:ntp                                                  :::*        users:(("ntpd",1976,29))
UNCONN      0      0                              fe80::fc54:ff:fe16:15c3:ntp                                                  :::*        users:(("ntpd",1976,28))
UNCONN      0      0                              fe80::fc54:ff:fe75:8012:ntp                                                  :::*        users:(("ntpd",1976,27))
UNCONN      0      0                              fe80::fc54:ff:feb3:4da8:ntp                                                  :::*        users:(("ntpd",1976,25))
UNCONN      0      0                             fe80::226:2dff:fe47:309f:ntp                                                  :::*        users:(("ntpd",1976,20))
UNCONN      0      0                             fe80::2e0:4cff:fe90:40eb:ntp                                                  :::*        users:(("ntpd",1976,19))
UNCONN      0      0                                                  ::1:ntp                                                  :::*        users:(("ntpd",1976,18))
UNCONN      0      0                                                   :::ntp                                                  :::*        users:(("ntpd",1976,17))
UNCONN      0      0                                                   :::892                                                  :::*        users:(("rpc.mountd",1888,9))
UNCONN      0      0                                                   :::896                                                  :::*        users:(("rpcbind",1569,10))
UNCONN      0      0                                                   :::32769                                                :::*       
UNCONN      0      0                                                   :::nfs                                                  :::*       
UNCONN      0      0                                                   :::syslog                                               :::*        users:(("rsyslogd",1506,2))
UNCONN      0      0                                                   :::pftp                                                 :::*        users:(("rpc.statd",1643,10))
UNCONN      0      0                             fe80::2e0:4cff:fe90:40eb:kpasswd                                              :::*        users:(("kadmind",1926,8))
UNCONN      0      0                             fe80::226:2dff:fe47:309f:kpasswd                                              :::*        users:(("kadmind",1926,7))
UNCONN      0      0                                                   :::59603                                                :::*        users:(("squid",2124,8))
[root@kerberos ks]# ss -upa
State       Recv-Q Send-Q                                   Local Address:Port                                       Peer Address:Port   
UNCONN      0      0                                                    *:kerberos                                               *:*        users:(("krb5kdc",1935,7))
UNCONN      0      0                                                    *:mdns                                                  *:*        users:(("avahi-daemon",1613,13))
UNCONN      0      0                                                    *:rquotad                                               *:*        users:(("rpc.rquotad",1872,3))
UNCONN      0      0                                                    *:kerberos-iv                                               *:*        users:(("krb5kdc",1935,6))
UNCONN      0      0                                                    *:sunrpc                                                *:*        users:(("rpcbind",1569,6))
UNCONN      0      0                                                    *:ipp                                                   *:*        users:(("cupsd",1687,9))
UNCONN      0      0                                                                                *:*        users:(("ntpd",1976,23))
UNCONN      0      0                                                                                   *:*        users:(("ntpd",1976,22))
UNCONN      0      0                                                                                     *:*        users:(("ntpd",1976,21))
UNCONN      0      0                                                    *:ntp                                                   *:*        users:(("ntpd",1976,16))
UNCONN      0      0                                                    *:892                                                   *:*        users:(("rpc.mountd",1888,7))
UNCONN      0      0                                                    *:896                                                   *:*        users:(("rpcbind",1569,7))
UNCONN      0      0                                                    *:32769                                                 *:*       
UNCONN      0      0                                                    *:nfs                                                   *:*       
UNCONN      0      0                                                    *:syslog                                                *:*        users:(("rsyslogd",1506,1))
UNCONN      0      0                                                    *:42375                                                 *:*        users:(("avahi-daemon",1613,14))
UNCONN      0      0                                                    *:pftp                                                  *:*        users:(("rpc.statd",1643,8))
UNCONN      0      0                                                    *:snmp                                                  *:*        users:(("snmpd",1949,7))
UNCONN      0      0                                                    *:37802                                                 *:*        users:(("squid",2124,9))
UNCONN      0      0                                                    *:bootps                                                *:*        users:(("dhcpd",1987,7))
UNCONN      0      0                                                    *:tftp                                                  *:*        users:(("xinetd",1968,6))
UNCONN      0      0                                                    *:971                                                   *:*        users:(("rpc.statd",1643,5))
UNCONN      0      0                                                    *:kpasswd                                               *:*        users:(("kadmind",1926,6))
UNCONN      0      0                             fe80::2e0:4cff:fe90:40eb:kerberos                                              :::*        users:(("krb5kdc",1935,11))
UNCONN      0      0                             fe80::226:2dff:fe47:309f:kerberos                                              :::*        users:(("krb5kdc",1935,9))
UNCONN      0      0                             fe80::2e0:4cff:fe90:40eb:kerberos-iv                                              :::*        users:(("krb5kdc",1935,10))
UNCONN      0      0                             fe80::226:2dff:fe47:309f:kerberos-iv                                              :::*        users:(("krb5kdc",1935,8))
UNCONN      0      0                                                   :::sunrpc                                               :::*        users:(("rpcbind",1569,9))
UNCONN      0      0                              fe80::fc54:ff:feda:8094:ntp                                                  :::*        users:(("ntpd",1976,26))
UNCONN      0      0                              fe80::fc54:ff:fe52:8f66:ntp                                                  :::*        users:(("ntpd",1976,30))
UNCONN      0      0                              fe80::fc54:ff:feea:63a8:ntp                                                  :::*        users:(("ntpd",1976,29))
UNCONN      0      0                              fe80::fc54:ff:fe16:15c3:ntp                                                  :::*        users:(("ntpd",1976,28))
UNCONN      0      0                              fe80::fc54:ff:fe75:8012:ntp                                                  :::*        users:(("ntpd",1976,27))
UNCONN      0      0                              fe80::fc54:ff:feb3:4da8:ntp                                                  :::*        users:(("ntpd",1976,25))
UNCONN      0      0                             fe80::226:2dff:fe47:309f:ntp                                                  :::*        users:(("ntpd",1976,20))
UNCONN      0      0                             fe80::2e0:4cff:fe90:40eb:ntp                                                  :::*        users:(("ntpd",1976,19))
UNCONN      0      0                                                  ::1:ntp                                                  :::*        users:(("ntpd",1976,18))
UNCONN      0      0                                                   :::ntp                                                  :::*        users:(("ntpd",1976,17))
UNCONN      0      0                                                   :::892                                                  :::*        users:(("rpc.mountd",1888,9))
UNCONN      0      0                                                   :::896                                                  :::*        users:(("rpcbind",1569,10))
UNCONN      0      0                                                   :::32769                                                :::*       
UNCONN      0      0                                                   :::nfs                                                  :::*       
UNCONN      0      0                                                   :::syslog                                               :::*        users:(("rsyslogd",1506,2))
UNCONN      0      0                                                   :::pftp                                                 :::*        users:(("rpc.statd",1643,10))
UNCONN      0      0                             fe80::2e0:4cff:fe90:40eb:kpasswd                                              :::*        users:(("kadmind",1926,8))
UNCONN      0      0                             fe80::226:2dff:fe47:309f:kpasswd                                              :::*        users:(("kadmind",1926,7))
UNCONN      0      0                                                   :::59603                                                :::*        users:(("squid",2124,8))

Here are additional examples you can use with ss, including get connections per process.

inspired by this answer, i've found that the following ss syntax works for me:

ss -u state CLOSE

… because "listening" UDP sockets are like "closed" TCP sockets.