Dynamic template in templatURL in angular2

Solution 1:

And as you can see in this issue on the Angular repo, most probably we won't get that directive. There has been a long discussion whether we need this directive or not, and if not provided how we can implement it by our self.

I tried to make a simple example of how it can be implemented.

    selector: 'my-ng-include',
    template: '<div #myNgIncludeContent></div>'
export class MyNgInclude implements OnInit {

    private templateUrl: string;

    @ViewChild('myNgIncludeContent', { read: ViewContainerRef })
    protected contentTarget: ViewContainerRef;

    constructor(private componentResolver: ComponentResolver) {}

    ngOnInit() {
        var dynamicComponent = this.createContentComponent(this.templateUrl);
            .then((factory: any) => this.contentTarget.createComponent(factory));

    createContentComponent(templateUrl) {
            selector: 'my-ng-include-content',
            templateUrl: templateUrl,
            directives: FORM_DIRECTIVES,
        class MyNgIncludeContent {}
        return MyNgIncludeContent ;

For a demo check this Plunker.

Solution 2:

Actually angular 2 has not featured this in the current build. Also as per the links added, I don't think this feature will be included.

A piece of javascript to dynamically add template using ajax call may be used.

Or possibly in future a dynamic template loader library will be available for use.

Solution 3:

As of alpha.46 (and with ES6 JS):

In the parent file import file you wanted to include:

  selector: 'account'
  templateUrl: './folder/containing/template.html'

Easy as that.

If you meant to import a component, this is what you do in the parent file:

import ComponentClassName from './folder/with/componentName';


  directives: [ComponentClassName]

And inside the imported file of the child/component:

Define your ComponentClassName (you may add templateUrlto the @View just as demonstrated at the top).

Don't forget to export default ComponentClassName; at the bottom of the file.

There are not many examples in the official Angular 2 docs, but you stumble across it every once in a while.