What is meant by memory hog? [closed]

I found the following statement:

Reading in the whole file at one time is called slurping.
It can be useful but it may be a memory hog.

What is the meaning of hog, and how does it relate to the above statement?

The literal meaning of hog is "a full-grown pig". Since pigs are typically greedy eaters, the figurative meaning of "hog" is "someone / something that consumes resources in a greedy or inconsiderate manner". enter image description here Typically a program or process would be described as a memory hog if it was written in such a way that it routinely allocates so much RAM that other processes are crowded out, or that the computer's performance is degraded. Your quote is a little unusual in that it's talking about a technique - slurping - rather than a program, but the meaning is the same.

I could find two definitions, I think it refers to the first one:

a computer program that uses a lot of memory

someone who uses computer programs that use a lot of the power available, so that other people on the network have trouble using their programs

Longman Dictionary