How do I get out of large room with a pipe around the top (after the waterfall)?

Solution 1:

I've been in the same trouble and in the version I played (PS2 & PS3), what you see in the video posted by Keaanu did not happen. In my version, there is a switch in the second plataform that start a machine below the second window. What you need to do in this case is to climb the piston of the machine and jump as high as possible. Take practice and several times but it can be done.

Let me tell you something: you are really close to the best kept secret of the castle! While you are on the other side of that window, try to hit the trees with the sword. What can be done with that? Is up to you to figure out! And let me tell you is really difficult (at least for me) to figure out without a walkthrough but you can use it in the very same room you are now.

Solution 2:

Is this the room you're talking about?

The video matches the description you gave from IGN. Perhaps you thought to go through the first window passed, but that's not the case - be sure to go straight to the end of the last section of pipe.