What is a person who rides on camel-back called?

A person who rides on horse-back is called equestrian.

I came across the following guidelines:

"Camel Ride Guidelines:


We will do all we can to accommodate riders, however, safety is our first priority. Below are general restrictions for safety and compliance with USDA regulations:

  • A single rider may be paired with another single rider in line at the operators discretion.
  • Pregnant woman are not permitted to ride the camels.
  • People with back or hip injuries should not ride the camels.
  • Riders may not choose which camel they ride. Two adults are not permitted to ride together on any of the camels."

Link: https://louisvillezoo.org/plan/rides-attractions/camel-rides/

Here the people who intend to ride on camel-back are referred to as camel riders (or simply riders). We all know that a person who rides on horse-back is called equestrian.

Is there an equivalent word for a person who rides on camel-back?

Solution 1:



  1. a camel driver


  1. Camel driver or rider, one who travels by camel.

Oxford English dictionaries

A person who controls or rides a camel.

American Heritage dictionary

A person who drives or rides a camel.

As you can see in the definitions, camel driver is another alternative, although this is more used for people with multiple camels:


camel driver: (person who leads or herds camels)

Solution 2:

Sometimes they are called mahouts. However, this term is usually reserved for those who ride elephants.

My sources are the news media of Oman: http://omanobserver.om/training-for-camel-mahouts/

And the ever-indomitable google search: https://www.google.com/search?q=mahout+google+books&oq=mahout+google+books&aqs=chrome..69i57.1689597j0j4&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8#q=%22camel+mahout%22

Solution 3:

While in Iraq I heard the term Janjaweed used. But I believe that it translates to an arab with a gun riding a mount. thats the closest name ive ever heard for someone riding on camelback.